August 4, 2015

Have you seen the Hanuman-mukhi orchid

 Hanuman-mukhi orchid


Dracula simia, called also monkey orchid is a family of orchid flowers that have markings that bear remarkable resemblance not jut to a monkey's face but to Lord Hanuman complete with the tilak at the center of the forehead. The arrangement of column, petals and lip strongly resembles a monkey's face.The plant blooms at any season. Flowers are fragrant with the scent of a ripe orange - the fruit that has a color that is also known to be dear to Lord Hanuman.
This rather rare orchid is found in Ecuador and Peru highlands of South American that is said to bear strong links with ancient India by some scholars.

Hinduism honors all creation as an expression of the Lord's divine shakti. May we all be blessed by the darling of Anjani who manifests himself in these beautiful orchids of South America!

Jai Hanuman! Jai Shri Ram! 

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